Saturday 11 February 2012

Just Be Friends ? Chapter Five ? Speaking Out Of Turn | Kid Writers ...

Just Be Friends ? Chapter Five ? He?s Dead


Zak seemed so sad as he left my house. I watched him go, leaning on the door, swinging listlessly back and forth. Swung too far and collapsed into a heap on the floor. I struggled upwards, re-adjusting my glasses. Zak didn?t even smile then. As he walked away, I noticed more bruises on the back of his neck, his shoulders, even his wrists.


Something was definitely going on. Zak wasn?t the clumsy sort and he?d definitely tell me if he?d been in a fight.

Closing the door, I nearly tripped over Doodle, who?d decided it?d be fun to stand behind me and make me fall for the second time.

?Doodle?oh no, my glasses!? I cried, picking up my glasses, which had flew off my face and skittered across the hardwood floor, bent in half, one of the lenses smashed.


I can see perfectly fine without them, but since a young age Roux and I suffered with mad headaches while reading, writing, and staring at a computer screen for far too long. And so, we were lumbered with glasses. The both of us were. I looked like a nerd, whereas Roux managed to pull them off and look like Harry Potter, for goodness sake. Man, now when I think about it, Roux and I shared so many traits. The allergy to peppermints, the same smile, and the same pose we both adopted when bored out of our minds. It makes me miss him even more.


I miss Ezra too. I don?t speak of him often because through my childhood he tortured Roux, pulling the heads off his teddies and tearing up pictures he did at school. Ezra always was jealous; often because Mother gave more attention to Roux then she did to me and Ezra. Ezra and I were the outcasts, the ones you took one look at and instantly thought bad of us. Ezra and I were tall, scrawny, stubborn, and very, very often got ourselves into trouble. Roux was tall too, slim, obedient (when I wasn?t influencing him) and very often took the blame for things I did.


I don?t speak of Ezra because it was possibly the way he treated Roux and treated me like I was a princess. He called me a princess too, when I was younger. Then he met those thugs he called his friends. And I was subjected to being his annoying little sister. Nothing more. Ezra didn?t like Zak either. Thought he was a bit of a freak, a bit of a troubled soul.


I reached out and picked up the phone on the hallway table. Dialling a number, I held it to my ear. I hadn?t spoken to him in ages. How would he react? He didn?t know about the death of Roux just yet. He was doing so well at Art College and it would be horrible to give him that sort of bad news.


?Hello, Ezra Stark speaking?,? His voice had changed too. I sat there, listening to it. It was deeper (obviously) and far more sophisticated than when he was a kid.

?Hello? Anybody there?!?

?Uh, hello?.Ezra??

?Who are you??

?Your?sister. Detroit?

?Oh hi Detroit. How are you? What about Roux, still doing well? And how about, Zak, the strange one??

?Ezra?Roux?s dead?

xThreeDaysGracex : Hi guys! It?s me, I?m back!

NinJa: Go away, we don?t like you anymore?!

xThreeDaysGracex : Uh?. O_O So, sorry I haven?t updated in like?.FOREVER >__< I?ve just been occupied with a bunch of other things like?.school, another story I?ve got going (I often ask myself why I?m writing it because I nearly VOMIT with the pure horror I write down. AND NOT BLOOD AND GORE HORROR, another story I?m writing for a competition, AND we have a photography competition going at school that I might enter (If I find some people who are willing to dress up and pose?.perhaps a cookie bribe? All we gotta do is recreated an important event that happened at some point in?history?)

But I still read all your wonderful stories that make me smile (: Hope you?re all doing well and have had a fantastic week(:? TGIFriday!


I am not making fun of anybody who wears glasses. I myself wear glasses (RED ONES :D ) for reading and writing and that stuff?I still can?t see the board at school xD

Hope you?re all doing okay(:

PS: Ignore the title?..tis rubbish xD

Series NavigationJust Be Friends ? Chapter Four ? Screaming LaughterJust Be Friends ? The Evil Plot Bunnehz


christopher plummer episodes kevin hart idris elba kelsey grammer donald driver donald driver

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