Wednesday 5 September 2012

Sharks: the Fish with Cartilaginous Skeleton

Sharks are a kind of fish, and they live in schools much like every other kind of fish that you can find in the seas or oceans. However, sharks are unique because their skeletons are made up of cartilage as opposed to bones. Sharks have been around since prehistoric times, and there are over 400 different species of sharks that inhabit the earth today. The smallest shark only grows to about seven inches in length, while the largest shark can be almost forty feet long. Sharks are found in almost every body of water around the world, and they swim until they are about 2000 feet under the surface of the water.

Sharks are excellent hunters, and they typically fest on other fish that can be found in the seas. However, sometimes sharks mistake humans for being fish because of the way that we swim and splash in the water. It is essential to watch out for sharks if you are planning on being in a large body of water. Sharks have a unique covering on their skin that helps to keep any kind of parasites off of them.

Sharks have a keen sense of smell, and they are able to smell blood in the water from a long distance away. They use timing when they smell blood in order to find their prey. They also have excellent eyesight, and this makes them good hunters.

There are a few features that sharks have that assist them in swimming. Since their skeleton is made up of cartilage instead of bone, it is easier for them to float. This is because cartilage is not as dense as bone is. In addition, sharks have an incredibly large live that makes up a good portion of their bodies. Their liver is filled with oil, and this also helps them to stay afloat. Sharks are unable to sleep for long periods of time because they do not have the same kind of swim bladders that other fish have. This means that they will sink to the bottom of the sea if they should sleep for too long.

Sharks are known to be intelligent creatures, even though they are predators. People do what they can in order to stay safe while they are studying sharks.

Typically, sharks do not swim very fast. However, when they are chasing prey, their speed can more than triple in order to catch their meal.

Sharks are considered to be carnivores for the most part. They typically feed on fish. However, there are some species of sharks that eat plankton as well.

About the Author

Great White Shark

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